An inspiration

Hazrat Maulana Qari Mohammad Ali Khan Sahab was the inspiration for the President of Idara Ansarul Makatib, Maulana Ansar Ali Ishtiyaq to start the first Maktab.

About Hazrat Maulana Qari Mohammad Ali Khan Sahab

Hazrat Maulana Qari Mohammad Ali Khan Sahab is one of the Internationally renowned recitor of the Holy Quran. He won several recitation competitions right from his childhood both on national and international platforms. He was among the jury and many a times chief judge in plenty of national and international competitions.

He has been imparting education in Quran for the last 4 decades successfully. He gave his relentless services to various Madaris in Hyderabad and other parts of India on regular basis. His students are spread across the globe and are carrying the legacy of their teacher and mentor.

Besides, being the best Recitor in Quran, he also acquired worldly education. He completed his Graduation in B.Sc. from the well known Osmania University. He also holds skills in Calligraphy and teaches this special talent too.

All of his children are Hafiz-e-Quran and hold distinct positions in the Recitation of Quran and grabbed many national and international titles.

He is based out of Malakpet, Hyderabad and spreading his teachings day in and day out along with his children to the people from his residence and Masjid Al-Basitia.

Let’s hear the story of this inspiration directly from the pen of the President

 I have been fortunate to be among the students of Hazrat Maulana Qari Mohammad Ali Khan Sahab, one of my very best teachers in Tajweed & Recitation of Quran. In spite of the fact that he resides very close to my house, unfortunately, I got to seek his teachings very late in the year 2011.

I was a regular student of him and learnt some basic Tajweed and Qira’at like any other student. He was always humble and down to earth person and treats everyone with due respect. However, since he is a builder too and holds a strong voice tone, sometimes people take him wrong. But I never took it to heart as he was my teacher and guides and mentors me for my own benefit only.

He would always recite this part of verse “تجارۃ لن تبور “which means “business which will never perish” and advise his students to follow the legacy and propagate Quran and its teachings.

Golden day

I would also listen to him and feel inspired but never took a bold step to begin it. Days and months passed, and one fine day, I was having some discussion with him and because of this, I had to stay for some extra time there. This golden time gave me the opportunity to uncover some of his services towards the community with regard to the Holy Quran. After knowing it, I went speechless and was totally surprised and various thoughts started striking my mind.

By Allah, I recall it correctly, that day I made up my mind to start something at least part-time to benefit the people of our Community.

Personally speaking, he never directed me towards this but his work and services inspired me to begin the work of the Holy Quran and I think that was the call and command of Allah too.

Madrasa Taleem-ul-Islam

That’s how it started and laid the foundation of the first Maktab “Madrasa Taleem-ul-Islam” (formerly Maktab Musab Bin Umair), Malakpet in the year 2015 and now expanded to other areas of Hyderabad.

Currently, there is five Makatib running across Malakpet, Saleemnagar, Santoshnagar, Phoolbagh, etc., accommodating more than 250 students Alhamdulillah.

Moral: It is highly recommended to spend some quality time with a pious Islamic scholar which will boost up the confidence and puts us on the righteous path forever